All Plastic Umbllera


Awareness and creation

After a storm, the city becomes littered with broken vinyl umbrellas. While these convenient umbrellas are consumed in large quantities especially during unexpected showers, they are also easily damaged by strong winds, and their disposable nature makes them unlovable, problematic items that cannot be properly recycled.

Simple, durable, and repairable

+TIC is a simple, sturdy umbrella made of 100% plastic parts. Since it doesn’t have any metallic components, this umbrella is also completely rust-free. It also has a canopy that is designed so that when the fabric is damaged, it can be easily replaced. +TIC is an umbrella that can be used for a long time.

An umbrella for every occasion

By re-engineering the umbrella into an all-plastic construction, we were able to simplify its form as well. Unlike vinyl umbrellas, +TIC features a simple design that matches various business and private occasions.

Safe and free-standing

Umbrellas can be dangerous, especially for children. +TIC has a flat ferrule (tip) designed to prevent harm even when the umbrella accidentally comes into contact with another person. The flat tip design is a symbol of safety as well as an additional feature that allows the umbrella to stand on its own.

Environmentally friendly

+TIC is an umbrella that is friendly to both people and the planet. It features a unique design that can be repaired and reused by simply replacing damaged parts. Because +TIC is made entirely of plastic, it can also be easily sorted and completely recycled to reduce waste.
All Plattic Umbllera
+TIC is a simple, sturdy umbrella made of 100% plastic parts. Since it doesn’t have any metallic components, this umbrella is also completely rust-free. It also has a canopy that is designed so that when the fabric is damaged, it can be easily replaced. +TIC is an umbrella that can be used for a long time.

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